“Amen, amen, I say to you, no one can enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and Spirit.” John 3:5
It is a joy to help our parishioners in the process of bringing your child to the font of baptism. Through this process your child will be born to a New Life in the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will come to his or her soul and configure him or her after the image of Christ. Your child will be a member of the Body of Christ forever.
Below you will find the essential steps of the process of preparation for infant baptism:
Read the Essentials of Baptism
a. Age of baptism: This preparation is for children from 0–6 years of age. If your child is over the age of 6, they will need to do RCIA for children, and there is a different form of baptismal preparation.
b. Time: Baptisms take place at 11:30 a.m. (after the 10 a.m. Mass) on the first Sunday of the month. Baptisms can occur any time of the year, including Lent.
While in the Catholic Church, a godparent is required. It is recommended, to choose both a godfather and godmother for your child, but not required. If this is not possible, a godparent and a Christian Witness can be chosen (of the opposite gender than the godparent). If they cannot be physically present during the baptism, a proxy (someone who acts in representation of them) can stand in their place the day of baptism.
Requirements to be a godparent:
Be over 16 years old
Baptized Catholic
Practicing Catholic
Received all the sacraments of initiation (Baptism and Confirmation)
Be in good standing with the church- which means not excommunicated nor has renounced the faith
If a couple, is validly married in the Catholic Church
Not the parent of the child
The requirements for being a Christian Witness:
Be over 16 years old
Baptized 'In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit' who belongs to a non-Catholic ecclesial community
Contact Baptismal Coordinator
Please contact Aixa via email (family@stmichaelportland.org) to schedule the baptism and understand the prep process. You can also call the office.
Note: We ask you to start the process at least two months before the proposed date of baptism. This time is necessary in order to complete a minimal preparation and the paperwork. The sacrament of baptism is one of the most important things that will ever happen in your child’s life, so we do not rush the preparation for our celebration of this sacrament (or any other sacrament).
Complete the Application for Baptism
Parents fill out the Application for Baptism and email a copy of your child's birth certificate to the email above to set up a day for your child's baptism.
If you are a godparent baptizing at St. Michael's you don't need to fill out this application.
If you are a godparent baptizing at a different church fill out this application and under "Extra Notes" at the bottom of the application explaining your situation and add the email address where the Baptism coordinator will send the Baptism Certificate once completed.
Note: A suggested $30 donation is welcomed.
Do the Preparation
Read the booklet Preparing your child for Baptism and fill out Worksheet 1 . We highly encourage that you listen to "Godparents! What your role REALLY is!" to better understand the importance role of the godparent.
Preparation for Godparents/Christian Witnesses
Read the booklet Preparing your child for Baptism and fill out Worksheet 2.
Pray the Novena in Preparation for Baptism
Download the Novena in Preparation for Baptism here (Begin 9 days before your child’s baptism).
PLEASE NOTE: If this is the second child you are having baptized at St. Michael’s, we will provide an alternative format for preparation.
Questions? Send an email to baptism@stmichaelportland.org
Extra Resources:
Learn more about Baptism by listening to Fr. Ignacio’s homily from the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord.