NewmaN PDX
The Newman Center is the Catholic campus ministry at Portland State University. All of our energies are dedicated to evangelizing students. We want to provide the best resources possible so that students can encounter Christ and start living for Him, with Him, and like Him. We reach out to students on campus, form them at the Newman Center, and then send them off into the world. Our goal is to win the university for Christ and form the next generation of leaders.

The ARK at St. Michael's exists to welcome young adults into deeper community in our parish life. ARK plans unique social events designed to celebrate, enjoy life, and bring others into our community. We pride ourselves on being the parish where “outsiders become insiders,” so please, wherever you feel you stand today, do not hesitate to get involved. Your gifts are desired, and you are welcome here!

AmbassadorS & GalileA
The Galilea program is directed toward women who are endeavoring to deepen their faith and bear witness to Christ through their example and testimony. The Galilea groups cooperate with various apostolic projects and works of mercy.
The Ambassadors program reaches out to men who are seeking to ignite their faith in Christ, strengthening them in their lay vocation so that they may transform their environment according to the values of the Gospel. Men are encouraged to infuse every human element of their lives with the light that comes from God through Christ: their careers, their family lives, and their service to others.

Exploring Catholicism (OCIA)
Whether you are baptized Catholic and have been away from the church for decades, whether you are a non-Catholic Christian, or whether you identify yourself as a spiritual seeker, at St Michael's we want to help you to go deeper into your faith.

Alpha is designed for anyone who wants to explore the Christian responses to the big questions in life. It is a 11-week introduction to the Catholic faith and includes the option of a weekend retreat. Each evening begins with time for fellowship, followed by a talk and a small group discussion with the opportunity to ask questions and express opinions.
We offer the Alpha course during the winter months (January - April).