Jesus many times invites his disciples to spend time with him. He invites them to Mount Tabor, he invites them to have breakfast with him at the shore, he invites them to Gethsemane. He invites them to BE WITH HIM. More and more, we need to learn to spend time with him. We get too busy and distracted. Plus, the world more than ever needs people with interior peace and the fire of the love of God in their hearts.
With these things in mind, during the Easter season, in addition to the 24 Hours for the Lord, we are launching a small Cor ad Cor adoration chapel, located in the lower level of the rectory building, on May 3, 2022. The vision of Cor ad Cor is to have a more personal experience of adoration, where you have freedom to sing, pray out loud, prostrate yourself, etc., and where you can be with Him one-on-one, heart-to-heart, in a kind of Transfiguration experience. The Cor ad Cor will be a kind of weekly retreat.
Sign Up Information:
The schedule for Cor ad Cor will be Tuesdays 9 a.m.- 9 p.m. and Wednesdays 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. You can assume a weekly commitment, partner with someone else and do it every other week, or sign up to be a substitute. These slots are available first-come, first-serve, but if we fill the schedule, we will add more days.
If you are interested in signing up for an hour fill out the form below & we will confirm with you which of your preferences we can accommodate!
“Today, there is a need to rediscover that Jesus Christ is not just a private conviction or an abstract idea, but a real person, whose becoming part of human history is capable of renewing the life of every man and woman. Hence, the Eucharist, as the source and summit of the Church’s life and mission, must be translated into spirituality, into a life lived ‘according to the Spirit’” (Sacramentum Caritatis).