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Registration Drive

  • St. Michael the Archangel (map)

From June 15 till August 15 we are doing a St. Michael Registration Drive. We invite those who are not registered at the parish and would like to register to do it during these months.

Why become a registered parishioner?

  • Communication: We often send emails, letters and updates to those in our database, about important matters related to the parish. For example, during the COVID times we sent a letter to all our registered parishioners, but we couldn’t reach those who were not registered.

  •  Community: Registering for a parish brings a sense of belonging to your spiritual home. We do understand that because of being in a city you might also go and visit other parishes. But it is good to have one place where you feel it’s your more regular place of worship.

  • Sharing time, talent, and treasure: By committing to a parish, it is often easier for someone to commit to tithing and sharing your gifts in that community. The registration form gives us some more information about the gifts you have to share with the community.

  • Sometimes when you are asked to be a godparent or sponsor other parishes might request a proof that you are registered. This becomes difficult if you are not registered.

Some of you might already registered in another parish, we don’t see any problem in a dual parish registration!

How to register?

Download the registration form, complete it, and submitted to the office. The preferred method would be that you give it in person to Fr Ignacio, this helps matching face and name. However, because church attendance is still not ‘normal or regular’ you can mail the form.

Questions? Please contact Jerri or Danielle at the office.

Earlier Event: June 14
Holler Hello Picnic (ARK Event)
Later Event: June 25
24 Hours of Prayer for Peace