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ABIDE: St. Michael's All Parish Night Summer Program

  • St. Michael the Archangel 424 Southwest Mill Street Portland, OR, 97201 United States (map)

“Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me.” -John 15:4

During the summer we are combining all the St. Michael’s Program (Gathered in his name, Alpha, Ambassadors and Galilea, Theo Nights) into one weekly all-parish program. Join us to grow in community and in your spiritual life!

Please register, but there is no commitment to come every week. We are planning to have everyone join for prayer and the talk.  Then we will break out by ZOOM to smaller discussion groups.  You will need to have a ZOOM account to sign in by June 10th (free access).


  1. Fill the form below to register
  2. You can register as an individual and tell us about yourself and we can find a group for you
  3. You can register also as a group. If you are an Alpha table, or a Gathered in his name, or a circle, you can register your group and stay together during the summer – by indicating who would you like to be grouped with!
  4. You can also invite others to join our community! Friends inviting friends! If they come they can either go to your group or we will have a special group for new comers

Questions? Email

Earlier Event: June 1
Month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Later Event: June 11
24 Hours of Prayer for Peace