Perhaps you have made your New Year’s resolutions, and whether it is specifically about growing in your spiritual life or more generally about becoming a better person, here are some ways you can use parish resources to help you become that better person in this new year.

  1. Go to Mass regularly- and if you can, go at least one extra day during the week. You can find our Mass schedule here.

  2. Take advantage of our weekly 24 Hours for the Lord to have a weekly 1-hour audience with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Click here to sign up.

  3. Take advantage of nearly-daily confession times to go regularly.

  4. Make a commitment to pray daily- and if you need help knowing how, ask for a prayer book and check out the following prayer resources.

  5. Use the parish library. There is a great collection of books on the spiritual life, the saints, the Bible, conversion stories, and much more. If you’re looking for your next great read check out our SSJ Good Reads page. There you will find recommendations from the Saint John Society and Society of Mary for your next Good Read.

  6. Expand your heart through works of mercy. There are many ways you can help- contact Danielle at to find out how you can serve.

  7. Get connected- if you are new, introduce yourself and sign up for Alpha. If you have been coming some time, reach out to see how you can serve.