Reading Suggestions about Scripture:
1. Books by Scott Hahn -He tries to show the biblical foundation of Catholic practices.
Some examples:
The Lamb’s Supper: The Mass as Heaven on Earth - Explanation of the Book of Revelation through the lenses of Eucharistic worship.
A Father Who Keeps His Promises - The notion of Covenant in the Holy Scriptures
2. Bible Basics for Catholics: A New Picture of Salvation History by John Bergsma
3. The Bible is a Catholic Book by Jimmy Akin
4. Walking with God by Jeff Cavins- Excellent overview of the salvation history that gives framework to understand the totality of salvation story.
5. A Catholic Introduction to the Bible: Old Testament by Bergsma and Pitre. There’s one already for the OT and they are working on one for the NT.
6. Sacred Scripture Commentary - If you want to go deeper into a specific book and do a good Bible Study we recommend:
7. St. Paul Center - You can also find both videos and books about specific books of the bible at the St. Paul Center:
*Click the title of the books for the link to Amazon where you can purchase them or stop by the PDX Newman Library or St. Michael Church Library to check them out.