Abide Summer Series 2021

Catholic Social Teaching: Lessons for the Modern Moment


Talks by Fr. Lucas & theologians from across the country about Catholic Social Teaching.


Session One

Themes of Catholic Social Teaching by Fr. Lucas Laborde, SSJ

  • Click here to read more about some of the questions that were asked during this talk.

Session Two

Care for God’s Creation “Old Growth Forests, Forest Fires, and the Interconnectedness of Everything” by Dr. Vincent Miller

We do recommend that you read (at least a portion of) the encyclical Laudato Si. Here is the text in full: Laudato si' (24 May 2015) | Francis (vatican.va). As you read, you may find that the encyclical helpfully joins in on our dialogue from last night. Consider our questions in conversation with Laudato Si:

1. Tim's question on the harmful influence of humanity on the earth, and how do we move beyond the blight?: paragraphs 205-208

2. Kimball's 'Elegy for Tom Bombadil,' and what would Tom have to say today?: He and St. Francis might share a way of being in the world (pars. 10-12)

3. Robert's question concerning technology -- good, bad, or in between?: pars. 102-114

4. Adam's question about where and how to draw the lines of our ecological concern: pars. 138-142

Other resources to consider:

-- For the insights and photos Dr. Miller shared with us from his work in the Andrews forest: A Cathedral Not Made by Hands | Commonweal Magazine

-- For elucidation of a core concern Pope Benedict XVI shares with his successor, namely, the relationship between our treatment of the environment and of one another, see Caritas in Veritate, esp. par. 51.

Session Three

“I will surely listen to their cry”: The Preferential Option for the Poor in the Torah and Prophets by Dr. Mark Nussberger

We do not have a recording, but if you want a solid (and brief) look at the material, you can refer to the following two articles:

  1. Option for the Poor and Vulnerable

  2. Roots of CST in Old Testament Prophets

If you want a prompt to continue thinking about this topic, click here.

Session Four

Grounded in Love: The Trinity, the Family, and the Flourishing of Human Communities by Dr. Matthew Kuhner

Here are the questions we sent along from Dr. Kuhner before the talk. You can review them in light of what you heard:

  • What does it mean for human communities to ‘flourish’?

  • What does the Trinity have to do with the problems and the progress of society?

  • How is my life of prayer related to my life of action in society?

  • Why is the family the vital and irreplaceable foundation of human community?

Click here to read a reflection by Michael Ceragioli, a prayer exercise drawn from the presentation.

Resources for Further Study of Catholic Social Teaching

Click here to download handout.

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